Senior Designer
San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta
We are a Collaborative Design CULTURE, seeking entrepreneurial, design-inspired talent, embracing both technical, and conceptual artisan.
The CJ+C environment encourages talent sharing of collateral knowledge, exposing the array of opportunities in each design pursuit.
As an employee-owned company, CJ+C’s Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) gives you the opportunity to own a stake in the firm and benefit from our collective success.
While we are always in search of new talent in all areas, we are actively hiring for the following positions:
San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta
San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta
San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta
San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta
San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta
San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta
San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta
San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta
San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta
San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta
San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta
San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta