Kevin Krumdieck, AIA, LEED AP BD+C – Principal, sweeps several preservation awards in 2016.

Councilmember Todd Gloria, Third District, presented a Special Commendation to Kevin Krumdieck, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Principal at Carrier Johnson in May 2016 – 2016 People in Preservation Award Winner. 

“This special commendation is awarded in recognition of your commitment to the historic preservation of San Diego.  Your hard work in the restoration and rehabilitation of District Three’s historic gems is worthy of the highest praise, and has helped make San Diego a truly great city.  On behalf of the residents of the City of San Diego’s Third Council District, thank you for your service, and congratulations!” – Councilmember Todd Gloria

City of San Diego Historical Resources Board presented Kevin Krumdieck, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Principal at Carrier Johnson with an Award of Excellence for Architectural Rehabilitation for the Rehabilitation of the Western Wholesale Drug Co Warehoused, HRB Site #717 in May 2016

Save Our Heritage Organization (SOHO) presented Kevin Krumdieck, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Principal at Carrier Johnson with the 2016 People in Preservation award at the 34th Annual People in Preservation Awards for,“…the care and detail given to two historic buildings as part of the Sempra Headquarters Tower development project at 7th, J Street, and Island Ave. (in) downtown (San Diego). Retaining the two street facades of the Western Drug Store and restoration of the Bledsoe Company Furniture Building help to enhance the sense of place of the Warehouse District. With the Bledsoe Building, the jury remarked how important it was that the rear staircase additions removed, original window locations were restored, and the building was repainted. The jury also noted the extent that original window materials, such as the steel window muntins and wood window trim, were retained and preserved on the streetscape facades of the Western Drug Store.”

Carrier Johnson + CULTURE’S team member, Paul Thometz, Project Executive of Cisterra Development was also recognized with the same award. Cisterra Development is long-time development partner of Carrier Johnson + CULTURE and we’re proud of our continued team success on award-winning projects.

Check out the Cisterra Development website for more information on this exciting project and our teaming partner.